my name is Arianti Ayu from Bandung, Indonesia. But my friends call me Ayu. i love all kind of accessories, necklace, bracelet, brooch, headcraft, ribbon, lace...and anything about accessories.
this blog represent my jewelry work and originally handmade. why i love leather?? maybe cause it's easy to get and easy to played..love.love itttt..
first time i saw it when i visited one of shoes company at Bandung, west java..there's a lot of goat leather remnant, almost a large number of sacks!
then i think.. " oh my God...give all those leather waste to me, and i'll play it at home!"..well yeah, play it with my heart and finger of course.. :D
so, finally they give me some pieces of leather waste with different colour and thickness. its ok! cause its free and im so happy that time..